Our university (VUB) has opened a yearly call for the recruitment of a post-doctoral fellows for 24 months within the EUTOPIA H2020-MSCA-COFUND-2019 scheme.
Deadline for application is 11-01-2021.
This program aims to promote the research potential and career perspective of outstanding, innovative young researchers. Fellows are offered the freedom to pursue their research project whilst benefiting from expert academic supervision, state-of-the art research infrastructure and being part of an interdisciplinary research community. The program will organize joint initiatives such as yearly symposia,a strong network, etc. International mobility, both among EUTOPIA members [Université Paris Seine (France), Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona, Spain), the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Brussels, Belgium), Goeteborgs Universitet (Gothenburg, Sweden), Univerza v Ljubljani (Ljubljana, Slovenia) and the University of Warwick (Warwick, UK)] and towards international academic institutions will be encouraged.
The applicant will have to choose a research group within the hosting institution and submit a 2-page personal statement and a 4-page research proposal. This proposal includes research aims and methodology; relevance and added-value of proposed research compared to the state of the art; interdisciplinary contribution of research; integration in the EUTOPIA Alliance research environment including international and intersectoral mobility and secondment plan; output plan including publication and dissemination activities. Secondments to a EUTOPIA partner need to be between 2 to 6 months.
Our laboratory (HEIM) is one of the possible research groups that can be chosen within this scheme.
For all further questions, please contact Eline Menu (Eline.Menu@vub.be).